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To narrow your search within an individual state, select up to 14 additional filters (total) in the 3 remaining dropdowns. The selected resources will be displayed as color coded icons, and the relevant data will be viewable within a table. After viewing the data, you can utilize the reset button to erase previously selected resources and/or download the data for future viewing.

Grant Maker | Recipient | Issue | Amount | Year | State |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $445,000 | 2016 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $2,950,000 | 2015 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $400,000 | 2015 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | Miscellaneous | $500,000 | 2015 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Miscellaneous | $602,000 | 2016 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Miscellaneous | $954,000 | 2015 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Miscellaneous | $955,000 | 2013 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | World Resources Institute | Political activism | $560,000 | 2015 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $824,000 | 2017 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | Oceana | Water | $6,060,000 | 2017 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | Oceana | Water | $2,369,000 | 2016 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | Oceana | Water | $6,616,000 | 2015 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | Oceana | Water | $1,418,000 | 2013 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | Pew Charitable Trusts | Water | $2,000,000 | 2013 | DC |
Bloomberg Family Foundation | Pew Charitable Trusts | Water | $1,000,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $80,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $125,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Action Forum | Climate change | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Farmland Trust | Climate change | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Farmland Trust | Climate change | $175,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Farmland Trust | Climate change | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Lung Association | Climate change | $750,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Lung Association | Climate change | $500,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Lung Association | Climate change | $700,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Lung Association | Climate change | $350,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Security Project | Climate change | $200,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Climate change | $125,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Climate change | $75,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Climate change | $208,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Brookings Institution | Climate change | $210,500 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for a New American Security | Climate change | $190,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $500,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $30,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Climate change | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Climate change | $120,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Climate change | $125,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Climate change | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Climate change | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Climate change | $170,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | Climate change | $175,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | Climate change | $209,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | Climate change | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | Climate change | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | Climate change | $400,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | Climate change | $125,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Strategic and International Studies | Climate change | $61,042 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Strategic and International Studies | Climate change | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Climate change | $130,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Climate change | $125,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Climate change | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Climate change | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Climate change | $300,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Climate change | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Climate change | $77,500 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Climate change | $45,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Economic Policy Institute | Climate change | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy and Resources Institute, North America | Climate change | $109,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Programs Consortium | Climate change | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Climate change | $80,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Climate change | $300,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Climate change | $95,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Climate change | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Climate change | $30,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Climate change | $75,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Climate change | $35,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Evangelical Environmental Network | Climate change | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Evangelical Environmental Network | Climate change | $104,565 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Farmers Educational and Cooperative Union of America | Climate change | $120,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Forum for Issues, Ideas and Innovation | Climate change | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Georgetown Climate Center | Climate change | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $120,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $25,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $55,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $58,500 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $110,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $35,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Government Accountability Project | Climate change | $30,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Government Accountability Project | Climate change | $30,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment | Climate change | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Policy Studies | Climate change | $85,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Climate change | $800,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Climate change | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Climate change | $99,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Economic Development Council | Climate change | $85,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Jack Kemp Foundation | Climate change | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies | Climate change | $200,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies | Climate change | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Keystone Center | Climate change | $175,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Climate change | $25,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Climate change | $500,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Climate change | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Women Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $200,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Academy of Sciences | Climate change | $550,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Association of Clean Air Agencies | Climate change | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Association of Clean Air Agencies | Climate change | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA | Climate change | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA | Climate change | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA | Climate change | $94,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Climate change | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | Climate change | $300,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | Climate change | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | New Organizing Institute Education Fund | Climate change | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partners for Livable Communities | Climate change | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership for a Secure America | Climate change | $75,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership for a Secure America | Climate change | $108,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $2,000,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $355,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $600,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $43,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $500,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Physicians for Social Responsibility | Climate change | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Climate change | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Climate change | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Climate change | $20,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | R Street Institute | Climate change | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | R Street Institute | Climate change | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | R Street Institute | Climate change | $120,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | R Street Institute | Climate change | $110,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | R Street Institute | Climate change | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Resources for the Future | Climate change | $115,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Resources for the Future | Climate change | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Resources for the Future | Climate change | $48,029 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Resources for the Future | Climate change | $25,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Resources for the Future | Climate change | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Resources for the Future | Climate change | $42,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Resources for the Future | Climate change | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Resources for the Future | Climate change | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Climate change | $250,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Climate change | $250,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Climate change | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Climate change | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Truman National Security Project Educational Institute | Climate change | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Truman National Security Project Educational Institute | Climate change | $275,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $45,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $34,600 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $27,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $85,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $60,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $76,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $250,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $76,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $200,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Urban Institute | Climate change | $125,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Voices for Progress | Climate change | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $250,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $45,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $350,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $155,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $364,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $95,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $85,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $318,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $125,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $30,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $250,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $37,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Climate change | $225,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Coal | $120,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Coal | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Coal | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Coal | $45,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Coal | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Coal | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Earthworks | Coal | $9,500 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $180,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $30,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $160,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $148,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $225,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $550,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $213,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $200,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $95,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $95,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Coal | $20,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Policy Studies | Coal | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Policy Studies | Coal | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Coal | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Coal | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Coal | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Coal | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Coal | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Natural Resources Defense Council | Coal | $106,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Physicians for Social Responsibility | Coal | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Physicians for Social Responsibility | Coal | $125,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Physicians for Social Responsibility | Coal | $160,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Physicians for Social Responsibility | Coal | $62,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Physicians for Social Responsibility | Coal | $120,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Coal | $197,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Coal | $110,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Coal | $187,500 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Coal | $200,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Coal | $61,671 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | Conservation | $80,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | New Venture Fund | Conservation | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wilderness Society | Conservation | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Earthworks | Fracking | $70,143 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Resources for the Future | Fracking | $90,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance for Climate Protection | General operations | $800,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | General operations | $60,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | General operations | $40,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | General operations | $60,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | General operations | $90,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | General operations | $165,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | General operations | $350,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | General operations | $40,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | General operations | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Economy Network Education Fund | General operations | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Water Fund | General operations | $255,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $990,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $40,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $300,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $323,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | General operations | $500,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | General operations | $300,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | General operations | $350,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | General operations | $425,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | General operations | $350,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | General operations | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Gas Foundation | Miscellaneous | $40,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Gas Foundation | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Miscellaneous | $90,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | Miscellaneous | $400,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Connect US Fund | Miscellaneous | $165,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Miscellaneous | $40,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Programs Consortium | Miscellaneous | $40,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Miscellaneous | $600,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Miscellaneous | $60,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments | Miscellaneous | $30,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Association of Regional Councils | Miscellaneous | $70,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Housing Trust | Miscellaneous | $20,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Progressive America Fund | Miscellaneous | $32,549 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Foundation | Miscellaneous | $40,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Oil and gas | $30,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Law Institute | Oil and gas | $284,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Political activism | $250,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | AFL-CIO Working for America Institute | Public engagement | $65,200 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Action Forum | Public engagement | $125,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Public engagement | $1,922,500 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Public engagement | $1,259,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Public engagement | $480,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Public engagement | $85,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Lung Association | Public engagement | $360,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Security Project | Public engagement | $40,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Public engagement | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Catholics United Education Fund | Public engagement | $116,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for American Progress | Public engagement | $444,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Public engagement | $211,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Economy Network Education Fund | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Public engagement | $295,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Future Coalition | Public engagement | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Public engagement | $400,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies | Public engagement | $300,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Women Voters Education Fund | Public engagement | $72,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA | Public engagement | $159,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | Public engagement | $295,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | New Venture Fund | Public engagement | $40,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | New Venture Fund | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Rock the Vote | Public engagement | $230,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Energy Industries Association | Public engagement | $35,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Truman National Security Project Educational Institute | Public engagement | $600,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Truman National Security Project Educational Institute | Public engagement | $75,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Truman National Security Project Educational Institute | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Public engagement | $35,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Public engagement | $35,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Public engagement | $60,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council For An Energy Efficient Economy | Public engagement | $530,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Groundswell | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Public engagement | $580,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $25,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $225,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $250,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $195,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $230,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $180,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $300,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $60,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $20,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $632,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $480,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $170,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $80,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $470,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $245,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $120,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $60,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $40,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $305,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $160,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $520,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $375,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $340,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $88,712 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $80,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $25,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $11,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $370,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $340,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $120,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $530,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $80,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $30,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Regulations | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Regulations | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Regulations | $15,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Regulations | $175,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Building Codes Assistance Project | Regulations | $205,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Building Codes Assistance Project | Regulations | $200,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Building Codes Assistance Project | Regulations | $200,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Regulations | $125,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Working Families | Regulations | $32,549 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Regulations | $230,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Regulations | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Regulations | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Regulations | $40,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Regulations | $40,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Regulations | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Earthworks | Regulations | $35,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Efficient Codes Coalition | Regulations | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Future Coalition | Regulations | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Future Coalition | Regulations | $30,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Future Coalition | Regulations | $80,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Programs Consortium | Regulations | $30,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Regulations | $40,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Regulations | $30,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Regulations | $60,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Groundswell International | Regulations | $49,500 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Industrial Productivity | Regulations | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Industrial Productivity | Regulations | $75,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Industrial Productivity | Regulations | $15,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Industrial Productivity | Regulations | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $400,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $25,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $115,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $225,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $290,556 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $350,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $250,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $75,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Regulations | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments | Regulations | $56,760 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments | Regulations | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments | Regulations | $16,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Alliance for Sustainable Communities | Regulations | $40,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Governors Association Center for Best Practices | Regulations | $90,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Home Performance Council | Regulations | $155,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Home Performance Council | Regulations | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Home Performance Council | Regulations | $74,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Housing Trust | Regulations | $20,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Housing Trust | Regulations | $65,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Housing Trust | Regulations | $75,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Housing Trust | Regulations | $75,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | New Venture Fund | Regulations | $70,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | New Venture Fund | Regulations | $70,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | New Venture Fund | Regulations | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Regulations | $500,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Progressive America Fund | Regulations | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Progressive America Fund | Regulations | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Regulations | $75,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Regulations | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Regulations | $120,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Regulations | $43,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Regulations | $30,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Regulations | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | 25x25 Alliance | Renewables | $135,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Advanced Energy Economy Institute | Renewables | $1,059,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Advanced Energy Economy Institute | Renewables | $270,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Advanced Energy Economy Institute | Renewables | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Advanced Energy Economy Institute | Renewables | $25,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Advanced Energy Economy Institute | Renewables | $315,500 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Advanced Energy Economy Institute | Renewables | $127,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | AFL-CIO Working for America Institute | Renewables | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Renewables | $353,500 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Clean Skies Foundation | Renewables | $40,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Clean Skies Foundation | Renewables | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Renewables | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Renewables | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Renewables | $300,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Renewables | $35,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $250,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $220,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $178,850 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $103,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $96,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $27,500 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $85,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $81,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $125,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $78,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Lung Association | Renewables | $604,949 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Lung Association | Renewables | $600,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Lung Association | Renewables | $53,184 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Lung Association | Renewables | $45,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Lung Association | Renewables | $725,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Security Project | Renewables | $5,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Renewables | $150,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Renewables | $75,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Renewables | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Renewables | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Renewables | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Better World Fund | Renewables | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Business Council for Sustainable Energy | Renewables | $235,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Business Forward Foundation | Renewables | $25,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Catholic Coalition on Climate Change | Renewables | $75,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for American Progress | Renewables | $250,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Renewables | $50,888 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Renewables | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | Renewables | $70,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | Renewables | $200,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for National Policy | Renewables | $175,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for National Policy | Renewables | $85,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for National Policy | Renewables | $75,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for National Policy | Renewables | $84,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Strategic and International Studies | Renewables | $400,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $520,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $505,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $115,700 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $40,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $30,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $300,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Economy Development Center | Renewables | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Economy Development Center | Renewables | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Renewables | $60,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Renewables | $95,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Renewables | $36,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Renewables | $200,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Coalition for Green Capital | Renewables | $150,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Community Power Network | Renewables | $195,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Renewables | $20,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Renewables | $65,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Earth Day Network | Renewables | $20,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Earthworks | Renewables | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | EcoAmerica | Renewables | $35,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Economic Policy Institute | Renewables | $75,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Economic Policy Institute | Renewables | $25,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy and Resources Institute, North America | Renewables | $65,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Future Coalition | Renewables | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Future Coalition | Renewables | $35,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Future Coalition | Renewables | $60,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Future Coalition | Renewables | $45,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Energy Programs Consortium | Renewables | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Renewables | $65,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Renewables | $90,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Renewables | $25,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Renewables | $400,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Renewables | $400,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Renewables | $340,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Renewables | $380,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Evangelical Environmental Network | Renewables | $12,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Evangelical Environmental Network | Renewables | $75,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Renewables | $20,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Green America | Renewables | $37,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Green America | Renewables | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Renewables | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Renewables | $8,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Economic Development Council | Renewables | $30,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Economic Development Council | Renewables | $42,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Renewables | $400,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Renewables | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Renewables | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of United Latin American Citizens | Renewables | $30,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Media Matters for America | Renewables | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Media Matters for America | Renewables | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Association of Clean Air Agencies | Renewables | $53,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Association of Clean Air Agencies | Renewables | $70,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Farmers Union Foundation | Renewables | $85,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Farmers Union Foundation | Renewables | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Farmers Union Foundation | Renewables | $225,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Farmers Union Foundation | Renewables | $165,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Farmers Union Foundation | Renewables | $245,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Governors Association Center for Best Practices | Renewables | $115,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Governors Association Center for Best Practices | Renewables | $325,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Governors Association Center for Best Practices | Renewables | $10,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Governors Association Center for Best Practices | Renewables | $15,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Home Performance Council | Renewables | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Renewables | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Renewables | $175,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Renewables | $270,600 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Renewables | $200,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Renewables | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Public Radio | Renewables | $25,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Public Radio | Renewables | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | New Policy Institute | Renewables | $88,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $93,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Niskanen Center for Public Policy | Renewables | $150,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Oil Change International | Renewables | $150,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partners for Livable Communities | Renewables | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $2,800,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $2,210,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $1,918,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $30,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $2,000,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $1,300,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $1,000,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Physicians for Social Responsibility | Renewables | $33,500 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Physicians for Social Responsibility | Renewables | $35,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $225,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $125,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $225,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $90,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $65,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $374,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $35,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $30,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | R Street Institute | Renewables | $460,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Renewable Energy Policy Project | Renewables | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Renewable Energy Policy Project | Renewables | $85,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Renewable Energy Policy Project | Renewables | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Renewable Energy Policy Project | Renewables | $25,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Resources for the Future | Renewables | $205,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Resources for the Future | Renewables | $125,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Resources for the Future | Renewables | $74,689 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Business Institute | Renewables | $75,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Business Institute | Renewables | $25,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Electric Power Association | Renewables | $42,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Foundation | Renewables | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Foundation | Renewables | $70,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Foundation | Renewables | $78,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Foundation | Renewables | $109,500 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Foundation | Renewables | $25,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Foundation | Renewables | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Foundation | Renewables | $94,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar United Neighbors | Renewables | $349,500 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | State Voices | Renewables | $60,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Renewables | $45,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Renewables | $25,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Renewables | $72,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Renewables | $300,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $180,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $80,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $125,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $210,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $290,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $459,050 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $550,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $200,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $160,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wind Energy Foundation | Renewables | $225,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wind Energy Foundation | Renewables | $450,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wind Energy Foundation | Renewables | $1,000,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wind Energy Foundation | Renewables | $175,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wind Energy Foundation | Renewables | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Renewables | $413,085 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Renewables | $289,210 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Renewables | $325,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Renewables | $85,790 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Advanced Energy Economy Institute | Renewables | $1,835,500 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council On Renewable Energy-ACORE | Renewables | $250,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Sustainable Business Institute | Renewables | $45,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Business Forward Foundation | Renewables | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Applied Environmental Law and Policy-A Project of New Venture Fund | Renewables | $325,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Renewables | $55,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Coalition For Green Capital | Renewables | $300,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Renewables | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Renewables | $225,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Georgetown University: A Project of Georgetown Climate Center Office of Res. | Renewables | $240,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Guardian Org Foundation | Renewables | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington | Renewables | $35,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Renewables | $1,275,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Media Matters for America | Renewables | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Governors' Association Center for Best Practices | Renewables | $109,950 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Renewables | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $1,040,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Renewables | $185,771 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Seiu Education and Support Fund | Renewables | $25,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar Business Institute | Renewables | $75,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Solar United Neighbors | Renewables | $348,626 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | State Voices-A Project of Silver State Voices | Renewables | $10,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Renewables | $25,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | The Black Church Center for Justice and Equality | Renewables | $55,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | The National Council for Science and the Environment | Renewables | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | The Niskanen Center | Renewables | $50,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | The Solar Foundation | Renewables | $50,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | The Wilderness Society | Renewables | $25,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Third Way Institute | Renewables | $75,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Wind Energy Foundation | Renewables | $600,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Renewables | $150,035 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Renewables | $75,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Advanced Energy Economy Institute | Transportation | $981,300 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Transportation | $281,063 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Transportation | $80,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Transportation | $80,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Transportation | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Transportation | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Transportation | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Transportation | $97,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Transportation | $80,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Transportation | $5,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Lung Association of California | Transportation | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | American Security Project | Transportation | $65,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Aspen Institute | Transportation | $10,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Breakthrough Technologies Institute | Transportation | $10,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Transportation | $30,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Transportation | $30,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Auto Safety | Transportation | $70,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Auto Safety | Transportation | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Auto Safety | Transportation | $125,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Auto Safety | Transportation | $125,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Auto Safety | Transportation | $125,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for Auto Safety | Transportation | $125,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Center for National Policy | Transportation | $270,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Christian Coalition | Transportation | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Air Watch | Transportation | $10,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Air Watch | Transportation | $10,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Economy Development Center | Transportation | $97,500 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Economy Development Center | Transportation | $25,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Clean Economy Network Education Fund | Transportation | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Transportation | $120,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Transportation | $5,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Transportation | $88,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Transportation | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Transportation | $169,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Transportation | $48,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Transportation | $180,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Transportation | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Transportation | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumers Union of United States | Transportation | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumers Union of United States | Transportation | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumers Union of United States | Transportation | $30,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumers Union of United States | Transportation | $25,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumers Union of United States | Transportation | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Ecological Society of America | Transportation | $75,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Transportation | $40,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Transportation | $455,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Transportation | $125,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Transportation | $140,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Transportation | $85,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Transportation | $300,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Transportation | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Transportation | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Transportation | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Transportation | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Transportation | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Transportation | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Transportation | $200,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Transportation | $175,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Transportation | $15,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Transportation | $175,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Transportation | $75,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Georgetown University | Transportation | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | GoElectricDrive Foundation | Transportation | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $360,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $80,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $70,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $60,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $70,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $28,500 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $80,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $105,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $65,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $280,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $105,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | National Academy of Sciences | Transportation | $120,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | New America Foundation | Transportation | $25,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Transportation | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Transportation | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Transportation | $90,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | R Street Institute | Transportation | $348,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $450,000 | 2016 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $240,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $210,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $200,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $225,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $300,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $250,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing Americas Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $550,000 | 2017 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Transportation | $40,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Transportation | $65,000 | 2013 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Transportation | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Truman National Security Project Educational Institute | Transportation | $350,000 | 2012 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Truman National Security Project Educational Institute | Transportation | $37,000 | 2011 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Truman National Security Project Educational Institute | Transportation | $250,000 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Truman National Security Project Educational Institute | Transportation | $124,600 | 2010 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Union of Concerned Scientists | Transportation | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | United States Public Interest Research Group Education Fund | Transportation | $13,000 | 2008 | DC |
Energy Foundation | World Resources Institute | Transportation | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Transportation | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Consumer Federation of America | Transportation | $145,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $475,000 | 2018 | DC |
Energy Foundation | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | Water | $118,000 | 2012 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Alliance for Climate Protection | Climate change | $500,000 | 2012 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Atlantic Council of the United States | Climate change | $400,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Brookings Institution | Climate change | $197,000 | 2014 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Center for National Policy | Climate change | $250,000 | 2016 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Center for National Policy | Climate change | $250,000 | 2015 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | Climate change | $250,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | EcoAmerica | Climate change | $1,500,000 | 2016 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | EcoAmerica | Climate change | $1,450,000 | 2013 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | EcoAmerica | Climate change | $500,000 | 2012 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Environmental Law Institute | Climate change | $125,000 | 2010 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Environmental Law Institute | Climate change | $210,000 | 2009 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Forest Trends Association | Climate change | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | George Washington University | Climate change | $250,000 | 2014 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | George Washington University | Climate change | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $120,000 | 2016 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | International Center for Not-For-Profit Law | Climate change | $500,000 | 2009 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Resources for the Future | Climate change | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Ruth DeFries | Climate change | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Ruth DeFries | Climate change | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Ruth DeFries | Climate change | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Urban Land Institute | Climate change | $75,000 | 2013 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Urban Land Institute | Climate change | $75,000 | 2012 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Windward Fund | Climate change | $150,000 | 2016 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Windward Fund | Climate change | $250,000 | 2015 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $500,000 | 2016 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $1,150,000 | 2015 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2009 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Ecoamerica | Climate change | $500,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Forest Trends Association | Climate change | $150,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Georgetown | Climate change | $600,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | National Academy of Sciences | Climate change | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $500,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | The Council on Strategic Relations | Climate change | $190,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Truman Center for National Policy | Climate change | $250,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | US Climate Action Network | Climate change | $500,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Windward Fund | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $332,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $125,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | African Wildlife Foundation | Conservation | $400,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Amazon Conservation Association | Conservation | $85,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Earthrights International | Conservation | $185,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Conservation | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Resources Institute | Conservation | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $495,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | African Wildlife Foundation | Conservation | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Amazon Conservation Association | Conservation | $24,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Environmental Law Institute | Conservation | $90,000 | 2013 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Forest Trends Association | Conservation | $500,000 | 2016 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Forest Trends Association | Conservation | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Forest Trends Association | Conservation | $140,000 | 2011 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Forest Trends Association | Conservation | $560,000 | 2010 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Conservation | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources | Conservation | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Pinchot Institute for Conservation | Conservation | $55,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Society for Conservation Biology | Conservation | $48,300 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Society for Conservation Biology | Conservation | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Resources Institute | Conservation | $250,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $255,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $500,000 | 2014 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $450,000 | 2013 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $500,000 | 2011 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $327,000 | 2011 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Center for American Progress | General operations | $3,750 | 2011 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | General operations | $500,000 | 2016 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Climate Law and Policy Project | General operations | $30,000 | 2009 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | General operations | $1,500 | 2008 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources | General operations | $200 | 2013 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | New America Foundation | General operations | $250,000 | 2015 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $30,000 | 2015 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | George Washington University | Miscellaneous | $307,500 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Third Way Institute | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Miscellaneous | $300,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Miscellaneous | $275,000 | 2015 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2013 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2012 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Atlantic Council of the United States | Miscellaneous | $235,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2016 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Miscellaneous | $300,000 | 2011 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Center for Public Integrity | Miscellaneous | $300,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | EarthRights International | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Environmental Law Institute | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Henry L. Stimson Center | Miscellaneous | $234,000 | 2016 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | National Academy of Sciences | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | National Home Performance Council | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | National Housing and Rehabilitation Association | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | National Housing and Rehabilitation Association | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Natural Resources Defense Council | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2011 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | U.S. Green Building Council | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | U.S. Green Building Council | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | U.S. Green Building Council | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Miscellaneous | $750,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Miscellaneous | $250,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Miscellaneous | $750,000 | 2016 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $1,000,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $1,000,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Environmental Law Institute | Political activism | $135,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | George Washington University | Political activism | $1,166,667 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | George Washington University | Political activism | $600,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Global Zero | Political activism | $43,500 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Henry Stimson Center | Political activism | $750,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Henry Stimson Center | Political activism | $300,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions | Public engagement | $500,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | Public engagement | $375 | 2010 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Environmental Law Institute | Public engagement | $12,000 | 2011 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources | Public engagement | $225,000 | 2014 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Potomac Media Works | Public engagement | $160,000 | 2011 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Ruth DeFries | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Society for Conservation Biology | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program | Regulations | $415,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | Regulations | $2,000,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Georgetown University | Regulations | $300,000 | 2016 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Regulations | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Groundswell | Renewables | $250,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Groundswell International | Renewables | $250,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Amazon Conservation Association | Water | $55,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Henry Stimson Center | Water | $300,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Water | $43,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Water | $450,000 | 2018 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Amazon Conservation Association | Water | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Henry L. Stimson Center | Water | $375,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Fund | Climate change | $20,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | EarthRights International | Climate change | $5,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | EarthRights International | Climate change | $5,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | EarthRights International | Climate change | $20,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | EarthRights International | Climate change | $10,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | EarthRights International | Climate change | $10,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | EarthRights International | Climate change | $10,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | EarthRights International | Climate change | $10,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Integrity Project | Climate change | $40,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Support Center | Climate change | $25,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | Climate change | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | Climate change | $125,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Friends of the Earth | Climate change | $40,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Government Accountability Project | Climate change | $30,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Green America | Climate change | $20,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Green America | Climate change | $20,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Greenpeace Fund | Climate change | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Institute for Local Self-Reliance | Climate change | $2,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Institute for Local Self-Reliance | Climate change | $10,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Institute for Local Self-Reliance | Climate change | $10,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Lambi Fund of Haiti | Climate change | $5,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Media Matters for America | Climate change | $10,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | National Environmental Education Foundation | Climate change | $40,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | National Environmental Education Foundation | Climate change | $47,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | National Public Radio | Climate change | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Ocean Foundation | Climate change | $15,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Defenders of Wildlife | Conservation | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Defenders of Wildlife | Conservation | $25,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries | Conservation | $19,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries | Conservation | $25,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Humane Society of the United States | Conservation | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Common Cause Education Fund | Fracking | $40,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Common Cause Education Fund | Fracking | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Common Cause Education Fund | Fracking | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Common Cause Education Fund | Fracking | $75,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Fracking | $85,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Fracking | $70,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Fracking | $70,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Fracking | $65,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Fracking | $60,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Fracking | $70,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Fracking | $15,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Fracking | $60,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | Fracking | $60,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | Fracking | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $40,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $22,500 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $75,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $75,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $65,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $60,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $40,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | National Academy of Sciences | Fracking | $20,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Public Education Center | Fracking | $30,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Public Education Center | Fracking | $30,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Public Education Center | Fracking | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Alliance for Justice | General operations | $15,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Anacostia Riverkeeper | General operations | $10,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | General operations | $15,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Children's Environmental Health Network | General operations | $10,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Children's Environmental Health Network | General operations | $20,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Network | General operations | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Network | General operations | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Network | General operations | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Network | General operations | $45,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Compassion Over Killing | General operations | $20,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Compassion Over Killing | General operations | $15,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Compassion Over Killing | General operations | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Compassion Over Killing | General operations | $15,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earth Conservation Corps | General operations | $30,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earth Conservation Corps | General operations | $15,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earth Conservation Corps | General operations | $10,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earth Conservation Corps | General operations | $10,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earth Conservation Corps | General operations | $15,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earth Conservation Corps | General operations | $10,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earth Conservation Corps | General operations | $10,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | General operations | $10,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | General operations | $15,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Greenpeace Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine | General operations | $5,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Rachel's Network | General operations | $10,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Rachel's Network | General operations | $10,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Rachel's Network | General operations | $10,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Rachel's Network | General operations | $10,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Rachel's Network | General operations | $20,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Rachel's Network | General operations | $20,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Rachel's Network | General operations | $20,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Washington Animal Rescue League | General operations | $10,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Miscellaneous | $20,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Center for Food Safety | Miscellaneous | $30,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Children's Environmental Health Network | Miscellaneous | $20,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Defenders of Wildlife | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Miscellaneous | $15,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Friends of the Earth | Miscellaneous | $40,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Humane Society of the United States | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Humane Society of the United States | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Humane Society of the United States | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Humane Society of the United States | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Humane Society of the United States | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Humane Society of the United States | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Humane Society of the United States | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Humane Society of the United States | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Humane Society of the United States | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Humane Society of the United States | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Netcentric Campaigns | Miscellaneous | $20,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $25,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $80,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $5,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $70,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Integrity Project | Oil and gas | $40,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Integrity Project | Oil and gas | $30,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Oil and gas | $45,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Netcentric Campaigns | Oil and gas | $30,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Oceana | Oil and gas | $10,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Oil Change International | Oil and gas | $25,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Oil Change International | Oil and gas | $25,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Political activism | $15,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Greenpeace Fund | Political activism | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Partnership Project | Political activism | $75,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | American Independent News Network | Public engagement | $10,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | American University | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | American University | Public engagement | $15,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Center for Responsible Travel | Public engagement | $5,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Defenders of Wildlife | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Defenders of Wildlife | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Defenders of Wildlife | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | Public engagement | $5,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | Public engagement | $5,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | Public engagement | $5,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | Public engagement | $15,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | Public engagement | $10,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Green America | Public engagement | $10,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Greenpeace Fund | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | Public engagement | $35,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Kitchen Table Campaigns | Public engagement | $35,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Media Matters for America | Public engagement | $10,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | National Public Radio | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | National Public Radio | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | National Public Radio | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | National Public Radio | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | National Public Radio | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Public Education Center | Public engagement | $30,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Public Education Center | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Public Education Center | Public engagement | $75,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Public Education Center | Public engagement | $75,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Pundit Productions | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Pundit Productions | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Pundit Productions | Public engagement | $75,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Pundit Productions | Public engagement | $92,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $20,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $25,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $10,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $25,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Friends of the Earth | Regulations | $45,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Friends of the Earth | Regulations | $45,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Friends of the Earth | Regulations | $35,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Friends of the Earth | Regulations | $40,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Friends of the Earth | Regulations | $40,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility | Regulations | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Renewables | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | American Sustainable Business Institute | Renewables | $45,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | American Sustainable Business Institute | Renewables | $40,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Renewables | $10,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Green America | Renewables | $20,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Green America | Renewables | $25,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Green America | Renewables | $25,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Green America | Renewables | $20,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Water | $60,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Water | $70,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Water | $80,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Water | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Water | $110,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Water | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Center for Progressive Reform | Water | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Fund | Water | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Fund | Water | $10,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Fund | Water | $90,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Fund | Water | $80,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Fund | Water | $80,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Fund | Water | $70,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Fund | Water | $70,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Fund | Water | $75,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Fund | Water | $75,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Clean Water Fund | Water | $75,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Water | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Water | $75,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Water | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Water | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Support Center | Water | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Support Center | Water | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | Water | $40,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | Water | $60,000 | 2016 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | Water | $80,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | Water | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Water | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Water | $110,000 | 2014 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Water | $125,000 | 2013 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Water | $125,000 | 2012 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Water | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Water | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Water | $125,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Food and Water Watch | Water | $60,000 | 2008 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Friends of the Earth | Water | $40,000 | 2009 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Land Trust Alliance | Water | $10,000 | 2010 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility | Water | $40,000 | 2017 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility | Water | $30,000 | 2011 | DC |
Park Foundation, Inc. | Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility | Water | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $300,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $300,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $360,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $360,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $360,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $360,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $480,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $480,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $475,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $475,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $900,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $900,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $1,310,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $700,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $700,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $675,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $675,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $675,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $675,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $842,500 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $533,334 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $533,333 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $533,333 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $900,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $900,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $350,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $400,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $250,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $400,000 | 2008 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Lung Association | Climate change | $400,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Better World Fund | Climate change | $465,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Better World Fund | Climate change | $262,500 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Better World Fund | Climate change | $262,500 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $625,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $625,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $625,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $625,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $500,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $500,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $625,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $625,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $750,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $750,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | Climate change | $1,663,200 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for International Policy | Climate change | $360,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for International Policy | Climate change | $170,000 | 2008 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Climate change | $250,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Climate change | $275,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Climate change | $400,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Climate change | $125,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $2,650,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $2,650,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $1,750,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $1,750,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $1,750,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $1,500,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $1,750,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $1,250,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $1,250,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $750,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $750,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $1,500,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $1,500,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $1,500,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $833,334 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $833,333 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $700,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $750,000 | 2008 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $1,500,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $1,500,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $3,000,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $3,000,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $2,500,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $2,000,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $1,500,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $3,000,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $1,500,000 | 2008 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Topten USA | Climate change | $200,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Topten USA | Climate change | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Topten USA | Climate change | $250,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Topten USA | Climate change | $300,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Topten USA | Climate change | $180,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $400,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $400,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $350,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $350,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $400,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $375,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $375,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $350,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $400,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $350,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $550,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $500,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $375,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $375,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $400,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $300,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $400,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $300,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $500,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $250,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | United Nations Foundaiton | Climate change | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | United Nations Foundaiton | Climate change | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $375,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $375,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $375,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $450,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $375,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $337,500 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $337,500 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $250,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $400,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $400,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $450,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $450,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $825,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $750,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $625,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $625,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $750,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $600,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $500,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $500,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $1,500,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $2,000,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | General operations | $842,500 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | General operations | $750,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | General operations | $750,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | General operations | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | General operations | $1,500,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | General operations | $1,500,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | General operations | $3,000,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | General operations | $2,000,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | General operations | $2,000,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | General operations | $2,000,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | General operations | $375,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2013 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Public engagement | $725,000 | 2018 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Public engagement | $725,000 | 2018 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | The US Climate Action Network | Public engagement | $350,000 | 2018 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $300,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $300,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $800,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $800,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Regulations | $220,000 | 2018 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy efficient Economy | Regulations | $1,300,000 | 2018 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | American Council for an Energy efficient Economy | Regulations | $1,300,000 | 2018 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Better World Fund | Renewables | $900,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Renewables | $1,000,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Renewables | $500,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Renewables | $275,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Center for American Progress | Renewables | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | Renewables | $875,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | Renewables | $875,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Renewables | $125,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Renewables | $1,500,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Renewables | $1,000,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Renewables | $750,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Renewables | $300,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Renewables | $168,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Renewables | $95,200 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Renewables | $833,333 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Renewables | $1,500,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Renewables | $1,000,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Renewables | $198,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Renewables | $176,800 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $1,000,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $1,000,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $983,250 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $2,250,399 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $1,553,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $1,430,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $1,211,752 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $474,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Renewables | $600,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Renewables | $400,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Renewables | $500,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sea Change Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Renewables | $2,500,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Council on Strategic Risk | Climate change | $250,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Earth Day Network | Climate change | $10,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Earth Day Network | Climate change | $10,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Essential Information | Climate change | $204,800 | 2017 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Essential Information | Climate change | $63,250 | 2016 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Essential Information | Climate change | $63,250 | 2015 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Climate change | $74,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Climate change | $74,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Climate change | $125,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Climate change | $63,250 | 2017 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Climate change | $149,500 | 2016 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Climate change | $149,500 | 2015 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Climate change | $126,500 | 2014 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Climate change | $167,500 | 2013 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Climate change | $195,000 | 2012 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Climate change | $120,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Climate change | $120,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Climate change | $20,000 | 2009 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Institute for Policy Studies | Climate change | $8,000 | 2010 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Kitchen Table Campaigns | Climate change | $498,807 | 2014 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | National Council for Science and the Environment | Climate change | $25,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | National Geographic Society | Climate change | $25,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Niskanen Center | Climate change | $54,000 | 2017 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Teaching for Change | Climate change | $10,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Teaching for Change | Climate change | $10,000 | 2015 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | U.S. Climate Plan | Climate change | $23,750 | 2016 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | U.S. Climate Plan | Climate change | $23,750 | 2015 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | U.S. Climate Plan | Climate change | $19,000 | 2014 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Essential Information | Conservation | $64,500 | 2013 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Grow Progress | Conservation | $47,500 | 2017 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Essential Information | General operations | $15,000 | 2011 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Food and Water Watch | General operations | $14,250 | 2011 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | American University | Political activism | $20,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Millennial Action Project | Political activism | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Regulations | $109,830 | 2017 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Kitchen Table Campaigns | Regulations | $1,070,613 | 2013 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Water | $37,500 | 2013 | DC |
Sustainable Markets Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Water | $10,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Alliance for Climate Protection | Climate change | $590,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Earth Day Network | Climate change | $10,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | The Alliance for Climate Protection | Climate change | $180,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $158,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $70,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $220,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $130,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment | Conservation | $12,500 | 2009 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Earthworks | Fracking | $90,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Earthworks | Fracking | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Fracking | $50,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Fracking | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Law Institute | Fracking | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $80,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $48,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | National Parks Conservation Association | Fracking | $65,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Netcentric Campaigns | Fracking | $155,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Netcentric Campaigns | Fracking | $255,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Netcentric Campaigns | Fracking | $245,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Netcentric Campaigns | Fracking | $255,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Pinchot Institute for Conservation | Fracking | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Food & Water Watch | Fracking | $145,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Food & Water Watch | Fracking | $72,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Netcentric Campaigns | Fracking | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment | General operations | $2,200,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development | Miscellaneous | $49,200 | 2011 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Pinchot Institute for Conservation | Miscellaneous | $48,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $40,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Oil and gas | $140,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Oil and gas | $75,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $40,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Brookings Institution | Political activism | $300,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Brookings Institution | Political activism | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Energy Action Coalltion | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Land Trust Alliance | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Center for Public Integrity | Regulations | $50,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Regulations | $185,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Regulations | $75,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Regulations | $175,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment | Regulations | $1,000,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Environmental Integrity Project | Regulations | $250,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Smartpower, Inc. | Renewables | $120,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Solar United Neighbors | Renewables | $150,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | Solar United Neighbors | Renewables | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Heinz Endowments | H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics and the Environment | Water | $330,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Climate change | $325,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $150,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $300,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Geophysical Union | Climate change | $250,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Public Health Association | Climate change | $250,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Public Health Association | Climate change | $500,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Rivers | Climate change | $350,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Rivers | Climate change | $400,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Rivers | Climate change | $250,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $240,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $238,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | Climate change | $74,640 | 2009 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Climate change | $250,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Climate change | $400,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Environmental Support Center | Climate change | $68,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $300,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $620,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $300,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $310,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $290,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Climate change | $150,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Climate change | $1,200,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Climate change | $200,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Climate change | $1,300,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Climate change | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Climate change | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | Climate change | $350,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | Climate change | $350,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | Climate change | $350,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | Climate change | $350,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | Climate change | $200,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | Climate change | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | Climate change | $350,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | Climate change | $183,621 | 2010 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | Climate change | $600,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies | Climate change | $250,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Council for Science and the Environment | Climate change | $49,985 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Council for Science and the Environment | Climate change | $30,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Smart Growth America | Climate change | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | U.S. Water Alliance | Climate change | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | ULI Foundation | Climate change | $300,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | ULI Foundation | Climate change | $400,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Urban Land Institute | Climate change | $800,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Urban Land Institute | Climate change | $400,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Urban Land Institute | Climate change | $400,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy | Climate change | $175,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Public Health Association | Climate change | $250,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $155,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $240,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Ecoamerica | Climate change | $20,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $369,432 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Greenlatinos | Climate change | $75,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Climate change | $150,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Island Press - Center for Resource Economics | Climate change | $350,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $600,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | ULI Foundation | Climate change | $300,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | US Climate Action Network | Climate change | $110,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | US Water Alliance | Climate change | $305,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Trust for Historic Preservation | Conservation | $370,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Trust for Historic Preservation | Conservation | $130,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Rails-to-Trails Conservancy | Conservation | $325,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future | Conservation | $250,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Building Bridges Across the River | Conservation | $245,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | ULI Foundation | Conservation | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | ULI Foundation | Conservation | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Miscellaneous | $925,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Alliance to Save Energy | Miscellaneous | $325,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Association of Community Colleges | Miscellaneous | $475,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Association of Community Colleges | Miscellaneous | $1,300,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Association of Community Colleges | Miscellaneous | $750,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Miscellaneous | $400,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Miscellaneous | $400,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Children's Environmental Health Network | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Children's Environmental Health Network | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | DC Project | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | DC Project | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Environmental Law Institute | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Green Diversity Initiative | Miscellaneous | $125,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Green Diversity Initiative | Miscellaneous | $125,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Green Diversity Initiative | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Healthy Building Network | Miscellaneous | $125,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Miscellaneous | $929,413 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Miscellaneous | $1,100,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Miscellaneous | $1,200,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Miscellaneous | $250,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Institute for Market Transformation | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Land Trust Alliance | Miscellaneous | $600,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Housing Trust | Miscellaneous | $125,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Housing Trust | Miscellaneous | $125,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Housing Trust | Miscellaneous | $125,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Trust for Historic Preservation | Miscellaneous | $325,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Trust for Historic Preservation | Miscellaneous | $213,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Trust for Historic Preservation | Miscellaneous | $320,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $75,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $125,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $125,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $125,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Share Our Strength | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Smart Growth America | Miscellaneous | $65,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Smart Growth America | Miscellaneous | $75,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future | Miscellaneous | $250,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Community Wealth Partners | Miscellaneous | $358,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | The Aspen Institute | Miscellaneous | $193,500 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Fenton Communications | Oil and gas | $250,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Political activism | $400,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Housing Trust | Political activism | $375,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Public Health Association | Public engagement | $54,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Public Health Association | Public engagement | $75,600 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Center for Public Integrity | Public engagement | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | EcoAdapt | Public engagement | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Fenton Communications | Public engagement | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Park Foundation | Public engagement | $265,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Grantmakers in Health | Public engagement | $97,500 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Regulations | $250,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Children's Environmental Health Network | Regulations | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Farmworker Justice Fund | Regulations | $200,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future | Regulations | $200,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Fenton Communications | Regulations | $75,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Healthy Building Networks | Regulations | $125,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Academy of Sciences | Regulations | $350,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Center for American Progress | Renewables | $125,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $125,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $125,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $125,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $425,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $80,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Transportation | $180,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Fenton Communications | Transportation | $250,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $547,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $547,500 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $390,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $53,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $507,750 | 2014 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $982,250 | 2013 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $250,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $196,217 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $300,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $300,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $250,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $400,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Greenlatinos | Water | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Hip Hop Caucus | Water | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | Water | $200,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | Water | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future | Water | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | U.S. Water Alliance | Water | $24,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | US Water Alliance | Water | $166,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $140,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | Hip Hop Caucus | Water | $75,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Kresge Foundation | National Fish and Wildlife | Water | $150,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Alliance for Climate Protection | Climate change | $200,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Aspen Institute | Climate change | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Aspen Institute | Climate change | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Brookings Institution | Climate change | $189,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Building Americas Future Educational Fund | Climate change | $500,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Climate change | $125,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for a New American Security | Climate change | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $300,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Climate change | $250,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Climate change | $300,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | Climate change | $37,700 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Climate Strategies | Climate change | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Christian Coalition | Climate change | $80,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | City First Enterprises | Climate change | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | Climate change | $250,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Ecoagriculture International - Ecoagriculture Partners | Climate change | $160,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Economic Policy Institute | Climate change | $400,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Forest Trends Association | Climate change | $200,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Forest Trends Association | Climate change | $400,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Forest Trends Association | Climate change | $229,500 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Forest Trends Association | Climate change | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $400,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $500,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $75,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Pact Institute | Climate change | $500,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Pact Institute | Climate change | $300,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Progressive America Fund | Climate change | $300,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Urban Institute | Climate change | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $87,600 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $500,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting | Climate change | $250,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | The Urban Institute | Climate change | $500,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Windward Fund | Climate change | $400,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Global Development | Conservation | $401,638 | 2015 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | National Geographic Society | Conservation | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | New Venture Fund | Conservation | $300,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | Conservation | $290,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Aspen Institute | General operations | $500,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Aspen Institute | General operations | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Brookings Institution | General operations | $6,000,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | APCO Worldwide INC | Miscellaneous | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Arabella Advisors LLC | Miscellaneous | $300,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Arabella Advisors LLC | Miscellaneous | $10,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Global Development | Miscellaneous | $400,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Crossboundary | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Global Development | Miscellaneous | $420,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Hattaway Communications | Miscellaneous | $125,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | International Center for Research on Women | Miscellaneous | $85,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | International Finance Corporation | Miscellaneous | $8,000,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | New America Foundation | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $40,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Quantified Ventures LLC | Miscellaneous | $267,688 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Results for Development Institute | Miscellaneous | $250,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | APCO Worldwide | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Global Development | Miscellaneous | $300,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Crossboundary | Miscellaneous | $750,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | National Academy of Sciences | Miscellaneous | $61,001 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Sustainabiz | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | The Niskanen Center | Miscellaneous | $225,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Windward Fund | Miscellaneous | $260,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | World Resources Institute | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Miscellaneous | $2,300,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Aspen Institute | Political activism | $750,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Aspen Institute | Political activism | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | National Academy of Sciences | Political activism | $250,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | The Energy for Growth Hub | Political activism | $500,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Atlantic Monthly Group | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Atlantic Monthly Group | Public engagement | $253,500 | 2013 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for National Policy | Public engagement | $311,341 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Energy and Resources Institute, North America | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Public engagement | $40,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Public engagement | $60,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources | Public engagement | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | National Council for Science and the Environment | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | New Venture Fund | Public engagement | $81,363 | 2014 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | DC Project | Regulations | $250,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Emerald Cities Collaborative | Regulations | $550,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | The Global Development | Regulations | $20,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Aspen Institute | Renewables | $178,164 | 2014 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Capital E LLC | Renewables | $60,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for American Progress | Renewables | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Clean Economy Development Center | Renewables | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Institute for Womens Policy Research | Renewables | $250,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Progressive America Fund | Renewables | $500,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Progressive America Fund | Renewables | $325,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Progressive America Fund | Renewables | $80,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | World Bank | Renewables | $1,000,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Pact Institute | Renewables | $1,500,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Aspen Institute | Transportation | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Aspen Institute | Transportation | $200,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Aspen Institute | Transportation | $125,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Atlantic Monthly Group | Transportation | $399,621 | 2013 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Transportation | $300,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Transportation | $250,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Brookings Institution | Transportation | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Brookings Institution | Transportation | $250,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Brookings Institution | Transportation | $500,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Building Americas Future Educational Fund | Transportation | $600,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Building Americas Future Educational Fund | Transportation | $250,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Building Americas Future Educational Fund | Transportation | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Building Americas Future Educational Fund | Transportation | $500,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Transportation | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Transportation | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Transportation | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Transportation | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Public Integrity | Transportation | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Center for Strategic and International Studies | Transportation | $30,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Emerald Cities Collaborative | Transportation | $500,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Eno Transportation Foundation | Transportation | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Georgetown University | Transportation | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Georgetown University | Transportation | $250,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Georgetown University | Transportation | $75,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Good Jobs First | Transportation | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Leadership Conference Education Fund | Transportation | $300,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | National Governors Association Center for Best Practices | Transportation | $225,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Northeast-Midwest Institute | Transportation | $175,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Northeast-Midwest Institute | Transportation | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Northeast-Midwest Institute | Transportation | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Public Interest Research Group Education Fund | Transportation | $275,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Reconnecting America | Transportation | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $500,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $180,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $65,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $2,725,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $600,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $1,650,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $1,350,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $750,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $1,800,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $392,500 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Smart Growth America | Transportation | $140,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | United States Public Interest Research Group Education Fund | Transportation | $125,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | United States Public Interest Research Group Education Fund | Transportation | $275,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Urban Land Institute | Transportation | $125,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | World Resources Institute | Transportation | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | World Resources Institute | Transportation | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | APCO Worldwide INC | Water | $356,250 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | Water | $3,000,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Oceana | Water | $15,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Resolve Inc | Water | $150,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Windward Fund | Water | $150,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | World Resources Institute | Water | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Quantified Ventures | Water | $62,500 | 2018 | DC |
The Rockefeller Foundation | Windward Fund | Water | $500,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Alliance for Climate Protection | Climate change | $500,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Alliance for Climate Protection | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Center for Food Safety | Climate change | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Climate change | $25,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Electrification Coalition Foundation | Climate change | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Environmental Action Center | Climate change | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Environmental Action Center | Climate change | $50,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Climate change | $60,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Essential Information | Climate change | $50,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Climate change | $220,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Climate change | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Climate change | $100,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Climate change | $100,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Climate change | $25,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Climate change | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Climate change | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | Climate change | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | National Trust for Historic Preservation | Climate change | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | New America Foundation | Climate change | $250,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | New Organizing Institute Education Fund | Climate change | $250,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Ocean Conservancy | Climate change | $100,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | Climate change | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Climate change | $125,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Fund for global human rights | Climate change | $987,337 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Conservation | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Conservation | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Conservation | $50,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Conservation | $50,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Conservation | $50,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Conservation X Labs | Conservation | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Conservation | $50,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Namati | Conservation | $150,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Earthworks | Fracking | $100,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Fracking | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $75,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Fracking | $65,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Netcentric Campaigns | Fracking | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Alliance for Climate Protection | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Clean Economy Network Education Fund | General operations | $30,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Friends of the Earth | General operations | $125,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Friends of the Earth | General operations | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | New America Foundation | General operations | $275,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | New America Foundation | General operations | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Animal Welfare Institute | Miscellaneous | $350,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Center for Food Safety | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Miscellaneous | $250,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | George Washington University | Miscellaneous | $40,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Groundswell International | Miscellaneous | $58,500 | 2017 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | New America Foundation | Miscellaneous | $380,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | New America Foundation | Miscellaneous | $380,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Public Justice Foundation | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Solar Electric Light Fund | Miscellaneous | $500,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Miscellaneous | $125,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Windward Fund | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $125,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Oil and gas | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Oil and gas | $125,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Oil and gas | $125,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Oil and gas | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $25,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food & Water Watch | Oil and gas | $700,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Oil Change International | Oil and gas | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | National Caucus of Environmental Legislators | Political activism | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Political activism | $40,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | EarthRights International | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | George Washington University | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Green Media Toolshed | Public engagement | $20,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | New America Foundation | Public engagement | $225,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | New Venture Fund | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | New Venture Fund | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Earthrights International | Public engagement | $140,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Public engagement | $300,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Ocean Conservancy | Regulations | $125,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Organic Voices | Regulations | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Center for International Environmental Law | Regulations | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Earthworks | Renewables | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Media Matters for America | Renewables | $125,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $300,000 | 2017 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $400,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Food and Water Watch | Water | $100,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Ocean Foundation | Water | $154,139 | 2017 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Ocean Foundation | Water | $15,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Water | $20,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Schmidt Family Foundation | The Ocean Foundation | Water | $73,500 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | African Center for Economic Transformation | Climate change | $800,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | African Center for Economic Transformation | Climate change | $450,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | African Center for Economic Transformation | Climate change | $190,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Bar Association | Climate change | $35,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Bar Association | Climate change | $35,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Climate change | $120,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Lung Association | Climate change | $850,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Lung Association | Climate change | $500,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Lung Association | Climate change | $500,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Lung Association | Climate change | $600,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Lung Association | Climate change | $400,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Lung Association | Climate change | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $1,250,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $1,500,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $1,500,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $400,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $2,000,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $2,000,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $6,288,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $2,000,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $4,370,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $2,630,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Climate change | $2,000,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Breakthrough Technologies Institute | Climate change | $82,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Breakthrough Technologies Institute | Climate change | $95,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Brookings Institution | Climate change | $725,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Brookings Institution | Climate change | $200,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Business Forward Foundation | Climate change | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Climate change | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Climate change | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Climate change | $240,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $250,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Climate change | $40,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for Clean Air Policy | Climate change | $400,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for Strategic and International Studies | Climate change | $180,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for the National Interest | Climate change | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for the National Interest | Climate change | $200,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for the National Interest | Climate change | $40,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Christian Coalition | Climate change | $300,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Christian Coalition | Climate change | $300,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Christian Coalition | Climate change | $100,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | Climate change | $1,750,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Constitutional Accountability Center | Climate change | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Constitutional Accountability Center | Climate change | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Constitutional Accountability Center | Climate change | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Constitutional Accountability Center | Climate change | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Earth Day Network | Climate change | $120,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Earthworks | Climate change | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Earthworks | Climate change | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Energy Futures Initiative | Climate change | $750,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Fenton Communications | Climate change | $195,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $530,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $300,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Georgetown University | Climate change | $115,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | German Marshall Fund of the United States | Climate change | $300,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Global Witness Foundation | Climate change | $250,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development | Climate change | $750,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development | Climate change | $200,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development | Climate change | $300,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development | Climate change | $200,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Initiative for Impact Evaluation | Climate change | $215,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Climate change | $600,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Academy of Sciences | Climate change | $400,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $600,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $400,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $850,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $2,750,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $2,150,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $800,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $27,500 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $2,000,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $650,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $650,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $250,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $200,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $2,000,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $2,000,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $600,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $400,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $200,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Niskanen Center | Climate change | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Niskanen Center for Public Policy | Climate change | $200,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Oceana | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Oil Change International | Climate change | $150,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Oil Change International | Climate change | $150,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Oil Change International | Climate change | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $1,300,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $700,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $1,300,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $500,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $2,500,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $300,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $2,535,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $3,000,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Population Reference Bureau | Climate change | $350,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | R Street Institute | Climate change | $275,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | R Street Institute | Climate change | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Resolve Inc | Climate change | $40,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Climate change | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Climate change | $125,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Climate change | $400,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Climate change | $600,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Climate change | $762,500 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Climate change | $200,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Climate change | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Climate change | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Climate change | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Climate change | $150,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Climate change | $250,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Climate change | $200,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Truman National Security Project Educational Institute | Climate change | $200,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Climate change | $1,250,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Climate change | $960,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Climate change | $480,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Climate change | $400,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $306,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $82,102 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Business Forward Foundation | Climate change | $50,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Conservation International | Climate change | $350,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $400,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $600,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $500,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $1,000,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Climate change | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | The Niskanen Center | Climate change | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Climate change | $63,250 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Climate change | $185,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Climate change | $250,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $190,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Climate change | $300,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $75,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Climate change | $300,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for American Progress | Coal | $300,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | Coal | $75,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Coal | $1,000,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Coal | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Coal | $58,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Alaska Wilderness League | Conservation | $200,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Alaska Wilderness League | Conservation | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Alaska Wilderness League | Conservation | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Alaska Wilderness League | Conservation | $400,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Alaska Wilderness League | Conservation | $250,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Conservation | $250,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Conservation | $250,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Land Trust Alliance | Conservation | $75,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Conservation | $150,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Conservation | $550,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Conservation | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Conservation | $150,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Conservation | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Conservation | $100,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Conservation | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Conservation | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Wildlife Refuge Association | Conservation | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Wildlife Refuge Association | Conservation | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Conservation | $200,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Conservation | $23,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Conservation | $400,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Conservation | $300,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Conservation | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Conservation | $450,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Conservation | $400,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Oceana | Conservation | $1,000,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Conservation | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Society for Conservation Biology | Conservation | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Society for Conservation Biology | Conservation | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Conservation | $825,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Conservation | $750,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Conservation | $1,400,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Conservation | $465,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Conservation | $1,600,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Conservation | $30,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Conservation | $600,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Conservation | $30,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Conservation | $600,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Conservation | $600,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $150,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for American Progress | Conservation | $500,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Initiative for Impact Evaluation | Conservation | $125,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Conservation | $150,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Conservation | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Conservation | $825,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Conservation | $1,500,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | African Center for Economic Transformation | General operations | $800,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | General operations | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | General operations | $1,200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | General operations | $666,666 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | General operations | $666,668 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | General operations | $600,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | General operations | $300,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | General operations | $2,000,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | General operations | $2,000,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | General operations | $2,000,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Brookings Institution | General operations | $600,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Brookings Institution | General operations | $600,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Brookings Institution | General operations | $1,200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Brookings Institution | General operations | $600,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | General operations | $550,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest | General operations | $10,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | General operations | $2,500,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Coalition for Green Capital | General operations | $350,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $42,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | EarthRights International | General operations | $300,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Electrification Coalition Foundation | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Electrification Coalition Foundation | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | General operations | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | General operations | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | General operations | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | General operations | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Integrity Project | General operations | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Law Institute | General operations | $315,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Working Group | General operations | $600,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | General operations | $575,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | General operations | $1,375,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | General operations | $2,350,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | General operations | $1,350,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | General operations | $1,350,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | General operations | $2,700,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | General operations | $1,700,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Initiative for Impact Evaluation | General operations | $2,000,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Initiative for Impact Evaluation | General operations | $2,000,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | General operations | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $650,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Niskanen Center for Public Policy | General operations | $200,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Oceana | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Oil Change International | General operations | $150,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Project on Government Oversight | General operations | $70,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | R Street Institute | General operations | $250,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | General operations | $36,800 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | General operations | $30,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | General operations | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | General operations | $300,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | General operations | $300,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Securing Americas Future Energy Foundation | General operations | $600,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Society for Conservation Biology | General operations | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Society for Conservation Biology | General operations | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $15,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $30,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $30,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Third Way Institute | General operations | $300,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $40,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $40,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $30,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $40,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $515,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Earthrights International | General operations | $300,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Power Shift Network | General operations | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | African Center for Economic Transformation | Miscellaneous | $410,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Lung Association | Miscellaneous | $75,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Miscellaneous | $300,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for a New American Security | Miscellaneous | $160,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for American Progress | Miscellaneous | $300,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for National Policy | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | Miscellaneous | $590,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Coalition for Green Capital | Miscellaneous | $45,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Coalition for Green Capital | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Earthworks | Miscellaneous | $35,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Miscellaneous | $900,035 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Miscellaneous | $900,035 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Initiative for Impact Evaluation | Miscellaneous | $110,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Miscellaneous | $400,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Academy of Sciences | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $400,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | R Street Institute | Miscellaneous | $350,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Salzburg Global Seminar | Miscellaneous | $225,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Securing Americas Future Energy Foundation | Miscellaneous | $30,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Miscellaneous | $300,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Miscellaneous | $750,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Miscellaneous | $640,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Miscellaneous | $420,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Miscellaneous | $40,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Coalition for Green Capital | Miscellaneous | $350,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Hopewell Fund | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Miscellaneous | $47,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Miscellaneous | $1,000,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $500,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | R Street Institute | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Miscellaneous | $750,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Miscellaneous | $45,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Miscellaneous | $75,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Oil and gas | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Oil and gas | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for American Progress | Oil and gas | $75,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for American Progress | Oil and gas | $250,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for American Progress | Oil and gas | $200,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Oil and gas | $66,666 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Oil and gas | $66,666 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Oil and gas | $66,667 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Oil and gas | $66,666 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $150,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $20,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Oil and gas | $125,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Oil and gas | $125,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Oil and gas | $125,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Global Witness Foundation | Oil and gas | $250,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Hispanic Access Foundation | Oil and gas | $80,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Oil and gas | $75,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | Oil and gas | $600,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | Oil and gas | $600,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $1,100,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $500,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $850,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $500,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $40,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $1,600,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $1,675,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $550,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Oil and gas | $800,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Oil and gas | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Oil and gas | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $1,050,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Oil and gas | $500,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Oil Change International | Oil and gas | $150,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Oil Change International | Oil and gas | $50,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Aspen Institute | Political activism | $325,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Aspen Institute | Political activism | $200,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | EarthRights International | Political activism | $300,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environmental Law Institute | Political activism | $285,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Political activism | $1,500,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | African Center for Economic Transformation | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Aspen Institute | Public engagement | $252,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Public engagement | $666,666 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Public engagement | $300,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for American Progress | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Christian Coalition | Public engagement | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | Public engagement | $1,000,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | Public engagement | $670,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Earth Day Network | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Public engagement | $5,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Green Diversity Initiative | Public engagement | $310,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Hip Hop Caucus Education Fund | Public engagement | $900,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Hip Hop Caucus Education Fund | Public engagement | $500,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Hispanic Access Foundation | Public engagement | $265,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Public engagement | $501,415 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Public engagement | $400,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Public engagement | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Wildlife Refuge Association | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Wildlife Refuge Association | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | National Wildlife Refuge Association | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Public engagement | $450,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Public engagement | $350,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Public engagement | $150,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Public engagement | $30,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Public engagement | $20,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Tides Center | Public engagement | $240,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Tides Center | Public engagement | $164,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Tides Center | Public engagement | $23,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Clean Skies Foundation | Regulations | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Regulations | $250,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Regulations | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Center for American Progress | Regulations | $300,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | ClimateWorks Foundation | Regulations | $2,500,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Regulations | $200,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Regulations | $125,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $750,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $825,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $750,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $750,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $750,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $750,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $60,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $750,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $750,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Bipartisan Policy Center | Renewables | $1,500,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $400,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Christian Coalition | Renewables | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions Forum | Renewables | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Coalition for Green Capital | Renewables | $250,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Community Power Network | Renewables | $80,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Renewables | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Renewables | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | Renewables | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Renewables | $300,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Renewables | $75,727 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Renewables | $300,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | Renewables | $250,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Renewables | $150,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $1,000,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $140,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $300,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $140,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $400,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Partnership Project | Renewables | $3,500,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | R Street Institute | Renewables | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Renewables | $350,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Renewables | $350,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Solar Foundation | Renewables | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Solar Foundation | Renewables | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Solar Foundation | Renewables | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Solar Foundation | Renewables | $200,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Solar Foundation | Renewables | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Solar United Neighbors | Renewables | $100,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Renewables | $762,500 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | Renewables | $250,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $1,250,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $125,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $600,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $600,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $600,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $615,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Wilderness Society | Renewables | $515,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Renewables | $150,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Renewables | $72,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | The Solar Foundation | Renewables | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | ActionAid | Transportation | $200,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Lung Association | Transportation | $200,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Lung Association | Transportation | $166,321 | 2012 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Breakthrough Technologies Institute | Transportation | $40,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Georgetown University | Transportation | $300,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $2,500,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $70,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $950,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $750,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $450,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $30,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Transportation | $1,000,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Transportation | $215,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Transportation | $430,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Securing America's Future Energy Foundation | Transportation | $200,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | United Nations Foundation | Transportation | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | Transportation | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Transportation | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Transportation | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Transportation | $275,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Transportation | $200,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Georgetown University | Transportation | $300,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $1,375,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Transportation | $241,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | World Resources Institute | Transportation | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $750,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $750,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $750,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Water | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Water | $125,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Resolve Inc | Water | $150,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Windward Fund | Water | $200,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Windward Fund | Water | $300,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | Water | $35,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $750,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Water | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | New Venture Fund | Water | $510,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Windward Fund | Water | $200,000 | 2018 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Environmental Leadership Program | Climate change | $71,500 | 2008 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | American Rivers | Conservation | $137,500 | 2009 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Conservation | $373,500 | 2016 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Conservation | $2,350,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Conservation | $3,750,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Conservation | $110,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Conservation | $110,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Conservation | $143,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Conservation | $77,000 | 2009 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Conservation | $89,375 | 2008 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Pinchot Institute for Conservation | Conservation | $151,617 | 2015 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Center for Public Integrity | Fracking | $82,500 | 2012 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Earthworks | Fracking | $82,500 | 2012 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Pinchot Institute for Conservation | Fracking | $55,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Pinchot Institute for Conservation | Fracking | $41,250 | 2009 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Land Trust Alliance | General operations | $82,500 | 2011 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $55,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Share Our Strength | General operations | $55,000 | 2012 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Share Our Strength | General operations | $165,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Smart Growth America | General operations | $206,500 | 2011 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Smart Growth America | General operations | $206,500 | 2010 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Smart Growth America | General operations | $110,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Miscellaneous | $450,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Rails-to-Trails Conservancy | Miscellaneous | $450,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Rails-to-Trails Conservancy | Miscellaneous | $220,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $75,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Land Trust Alliance | Oil and gas | $110,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Alliance for Justice | Political activism | $280,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Public engagement | $497,308 | 2015 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Smart Growth America | Public engagement | $15,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Energy Programs Consortium | Regulations | $80,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $110,000 | 2013 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $126,500 | 2012 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $143,000 | 2011 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $68,750 | 2010 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | American Rivers | Renewables | $68,750 | 2009 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $700,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $452,000 | 2015 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | American Rivers | Water | $110,000 | 2008 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | American Sustainable Business Institute | Water | $176,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Clean Water America Alliance | Water | $20,000 | 2010 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Environmental Law Institute | Water | $82,500 | 2008 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Water | $850,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Water | $2,000,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Water | $2,800,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Fish and Wildlife Foundation | Water | $82,500 | 2013 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Governors Association Center for Best Practices | Water | $350,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | Water | $550,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Northeast-Midwest Institute | Water | $68,750 | 2008 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Partnership Project | Water | $175,000 | 2017 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Pinchot Institute for Conservation | Water | $47,000 | 2016 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | Pinchot Institute for Conservation | Water | $41,250 | 2008 | DC |
The William Penn Foundation | I2 Capital Operation | Water | $150,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Arabella Legacy Fund | General operations | $832,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Center for American Progress | General operations | $647,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Center for American Progress | General operations | $350,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Center for American Progress | General operations | $350,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | General operations | $1,230,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | General operations | $500,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Constitutional Accountability Center | General operations | $400,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Constitutional Accountability Center | General operations | $400,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $250,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $250,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $120,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Earthworks | General operations | $75,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Environment America Research and Policy Center | General operations | $12,500 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Frankfurt Zoological Society U.S. Inc | General operations | $999,962 | 2016 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Frankfurt Zoological Society U.S. Inc | General operations | $1,323,310 | 2015 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $52,800 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $52,800 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | General operations | $211,500 | 2008 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | General operations | $25,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | General operations | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | National Trust for Historic Preservation | General operations | $120,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | National Wildlife Refuge Association | General operations | $394,500 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New America Foundation | General operations | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $4,208,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $4,000,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $528,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $6,352,800 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $2,940,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $405,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $775,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $225,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Oceana | General operations | $400,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Oceana | General operations | $2,100,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Oceana | General operations | $1,500,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Outdoor Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2011 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Outdoor Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2010 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | General operations | $30,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $17,700 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $750,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $65,165 | 2012 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $200,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | United States Bureau of Land Management | General operations | $356,907 | 2009 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | United States Bureau of Land Management | General operations | $999,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $135,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $15,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $235,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $291,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $165,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | General operations | $52,800 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | General operations | $52,800 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Earth Conservation Corps | General operations | $20,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Frankfurt Zoological Society | General operations | $2,080,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | National Caucus of Environmental Legislators | General operations | $52,800 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Naational Geographic Society | General operations | $8,900,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $8,500,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Oceana | General operations | $377,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Open Space Institute | General operations | $2,650,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | The Wilderness Society | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for a New American Security | Climate change | $30,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for a New American Security | Climate change | $13,590 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $61,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Rural Affairs | Climate change | $12,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Citizens for Global Solutions Education Fund | Climate change | $40,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earth Island Institute | Climate change | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Energy Action Coalition | Climate change | $60,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Energy Action Coalition | Climate change | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Investigation Agency | Climate change | $38,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Investigation Agency | Climate change | $11,501 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Climate change | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Climate change | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Climate change | $160,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Good Jobs First | Climate change | $35,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Institute for Policy Studies | Climate change | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | InterAction | Climate change | $30,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Climate change | $30,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $55,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | Climate change | $30,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $250,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | New Venture Fund | Climate change | $40,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oceana | Climate change | $70,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oil Change International | Climate change | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oil Change International | Climate change | $8,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oil Change International | Climate change | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Partnership for a Secure America | Climate change | $54,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Partnership for a Secure America | Climate change | $35,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Resource Media | Climate change | $40,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Resources for the Future | Climate change | $28,198 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Sustainable Markets Foundation | Climate change | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Climate change | $25,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $60,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | U.S. Climate Action Network | Climate change | $30,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | World Security Institute | Climate change | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | World Security Institute | Climate change | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | World Security Institute | Climate change | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Food Safety | Conservation | $15,000 | 2017 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Conservation | $70,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Ocean Foundation | Conservation | $17,500 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $10,000 | 2017 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Fracking | $40,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Fracking | $40,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Fracking | $15,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oil Change International | Fracking | $62,500 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Alliance for Climate Protection | General operations | $26,004 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | American Farmland Trust | General operations | $70,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | American Rivers | General operations | $14,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | American Rivers | General operations | $25,367 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Appalshop Inc. | General operations | $5,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for American Progress | General operations | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for International Environmental Law | General operations | $28,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Progressive Leadership | General operations | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Progressive Leadership | General operations | $75,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Progressive Leadership | General operations | $15,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Progressive Leadership | General operations | $5,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Responsible Travel | General operations | $17,820 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Responsible Travel | General operations | $8,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Rural Affairs | General operations | $18,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Small Business and the Environment | General operations | $40,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Clean Water Fund | General operations | $40,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Climate Reality Project | General operations | $17,500 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $36,608 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earth Island Institute | General operations | $20,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | EarthRights International | General operations | $15,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | EarthRights International | General operations | $90,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | EarthRights International | General operations | $15,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | EarthRights International | General operations | $60,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | EarthRights International | General operations | $7,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | General operations | $15,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | General operations | $10,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | General operations | $15,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | EcoAmerica | General operations | $10,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Energy Action Coalition | General operations | $20,715 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Energy Action Coalition | General operations | $10,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Energy Action Coalition | General operations | $65,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Support Center | General operations | $7,500 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Support Center | General operations | $40,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Support Center | General operations | $7,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Working Group | General operations | $20,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Working Group | General operations | $10,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Working Group | General operations | $21,797 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Working Group | General operations | $16,084 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Food and Water Watch | General operations | $6,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Food and Water Watch | General operations | $1,700 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Food Research and Action Center | General operations | $18,273 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Forest Trends Association | General operations | $15,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Forest Trends Association | General operations | $15,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Friends of the Earth | General operations | $17,847 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Friends of the Earth | General operations | $10,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Friends of the Earth | General operations | $28,839 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Greenpeace Fund | General operations | $29,735 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Institute for Policy Studies | General operations | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $70,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $60,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $40,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $21,107 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $200,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $145,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $55,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $15,447 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $10,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Media Matters for America | General operations | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Media Matters for America | General operations | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Media Matters for America | General operations | $16,038 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Media Matters for America | General operations | $5,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Media Matters for America | General operations | $5,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | National Wildlife Refuge Association | General operations | $10,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | National Wildlife Refuge Association | General operations | $10,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | National Wildlife Refuge Association | General operations | $15,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $88,779 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $35,204 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $25,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Ocean Conservancy | General operations | $26,049 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oil Change International | General operations | $30,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oil Change International | General operations | $20,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oil Change International | General operations | $45,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oil Change International | General operations | $15,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oil Change International | General operations | $30,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | General operations | $22,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | General operations | $16,666 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $10,000 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Climate Counts | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Support Center | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Support Center | Miscellaneous | $15,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Miscellaneous | $10,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Organic Voices | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Rural Affairs | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthrights International | Miscellaneous | $35,000 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | Miscellaneous | $15,000 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Miscellaneous | $20,000 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Food Research And Action Center | Miscellaneous | $80,000 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Friends of the Earth | Miscellaneous | $24,284 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Groundswell International | Miscellaneous | $15,000 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Miscellaneous | $75,000 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Miscellaneous | $165,000 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Sunrise | Miscellaneous | $17,000 | 2018 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Oil and gas | $40,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Oil and gas | $70,000 | 2017 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $50,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $40,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $12,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $35,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $15,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $10,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $85,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Earthworks | Oil and gas | $15,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Natural Resources Defense Council | Oil and gas | $200,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oil Change International | Oil and gas | $15,000 | 2017 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oil Change International | Oil and gas | $13,114 | 2017 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Oil Change International | Oil and gas | $30,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Power Shift Network | Oil and gas | $50,000 | 2017 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Progressive Leadership | Political activism | $75,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Climate Protection Action Fund | Political activism | $60,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | National Caucus of Environmental Legislators | Political activism | $50,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Taxpayers for Common Sense | Political activism | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | American University | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Food Safety | Public engagement | $30,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Public Integrity | Public engagement | $15,000 | 2017 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Public engagement | $5,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Island Press Center for Resource Economics | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Public engagement | $75,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | Public engagement | $30,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Media Matters Action Network | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Media Matters for America | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Natural Resources Defense Council | Public engagement | $5,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | New Venture Fund | Public engagement | $320,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | New Venture Fund | Public engagement | $250,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Ocean Conservancy | Public engagement | $200,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Ocean Conservancy | Public engagement | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Regulations | $20,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for Rural Affairs | Regulations | $118,500 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environmental Working Group | Regulations | $15,000 | 2017 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Food Research and Action Center | Regulations | $118,500 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy | Renewables | $44,965 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Energy Action Coalition | Renewables | $20,000 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Environment America Research and Policy Center | Renewables | $20,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Escuela Agricola Panamericana | Renewables | $67,020 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $60,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $15,000 | 2015 | DC |
Tides Foundation | New Venture Fund | Renewables | $329,600 | 2011 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Third Way Institute | Renewables | $2,100,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | American Public Health Association | Transportation | $150,000 | 2009 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Center for American Progress | Transportation | $63,375 | 2012 | DC |
Tides Foundation | Clean Water Fund | Water | $50,000 | 2018 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $2,500,000 | 2015 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $615,000 | 2014 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Center for American Progress | Climate change | $500,000 | 2013 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Center for American Progress | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2013 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Center for American Progress | General operations | $800,000 | 2013 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Center for American Progress | General operations | $400,000 | 2012 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Center for American Progress | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2010 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Clean Economy Network Education Fund | General operations | $2,500,000 | 2012 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Clean Economy Network Education Fund | General operations | $1,500,000 | 2011 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Clean Water Fund | General operations | $40,000 | 2015 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Green Diversity Initiative | General operations | $25,000 | 2015 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Organic Voices | General operations | $100,000 | 2015 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Green America | Miscellaneous | $50,500 | 2013 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Advanced Energy Economy Institute | Renewables | $1,280,000 | 2015 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Advanced Energy Economy Institute | Renewables | $1,138,500 | 2014 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | American Council on Renewable Energy | Renewables | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Center for American Progress | Renewables | $250,000 | 2009 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | Center for American Progress | Renewables | $100,000 | 2009 | DC |
TomKat Charitable Trust | International Council on Clean Transportation | Transportation | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Tomkat Foundation | Advanced Energy Economy Institute | General operations | $1,075,000 | 2016 | DC |
Tomkat Foundation | Center for Food Safety | General operations | $75,000 | 2016 | DC |
Tomkat Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $25,000 | 2016 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American Farmland Trust | Climate change | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | Climate change | $25,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Public Integrity | Climate change | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Mountain Institute | Climate change | $65,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | National Geographic Society | Climate change | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | National Public Radio | Climate change | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | National Public Radio | Climate change | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Persephone Productions | Climate change | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Washington National Cathedral | Climate change | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American Farmland Trust | Conservation | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American Prospect | Conservation | $75,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | Conservation | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Audubon Society, National | Conservation | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Land Trust Alliance | Conservation | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Land Trust Alliance | Conservation | $25,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | World Wildlife Fund | Conservation | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | Fracking | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Physicians for Social Responsibility | Fracking | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | America the Beautiful | General operations | $5,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | General operations | $25,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | General operations | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | General operations | $75,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Bright Beginnings | General operations | $20,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Global Development | General operations | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Global Development | General operations | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Global Development | General operations | $25,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Global Development | General operations | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Global Development | General operations | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for International Environmental Law | General operations | $25,000 | 2016 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for International Environmental Law | General operations | $25,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Science in the Public Interest | General operations | $25,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Strategic and International Studies | General operations | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Earth Policy Institute | General operations | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Earth Policy Institute | General operations | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Earth Policy Institute | General operations | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Earth Policy Institute | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Earth Policy Institute | General operations | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Earth Policy Institute | General operations | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | General operations | $130,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | General operations | $125,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | General operations | $120,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | General operations | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | General operations | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | General operations | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | General operations | $60,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | General operations | $60,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Working Group | General operations | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Forest Trends Association | General operations | $30,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | FreshFarm Markets | General operations | $75,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Global Water Challenge | General operations | $125,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Global Water Challenge | General operations | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | International Housing Coalition | General operations | $25,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | ISAR: Resources for Environmental Activists | General operations | $30,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Land Trust Alliance | General operations | $25,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Mountain Institute | General operations | $25,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Mountain Institute | General operations | $40,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | National Fund for the United States Botanic Garden | General operations | $24,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | General operations | $250,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | General operations | $225,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | General operations | $300,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Science Communication Network | General operations | $75,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Science Communication Network | General operations | $75,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Solar Electric Light Fund | General operations | $85,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Solar Electric Light Fund | General operations | $85,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Solar Electric Light Fund | General operations | $75,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Solar Electric Light Fund | General operations | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Solar Electric Light Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | SOME | General operations | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Water Advocates | General operations | $250,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Water Advocates | General operations | $250,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Water Advocates | General operations | $300,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Wilderness Society | General operations | $75,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Wilderness Society | General operations | $100,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Worldwatch Institute | General operations | $25,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Worldwatch Institute | General operations | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | ActionAid | Miscellaneous | $100,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | ActionAid | Miscellaneous | $75,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American Farmland Trust | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American Farmland Trust | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Miscellaneous | $35,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Miscellaneous | $30,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Science in the Public Interest | Miscellaneous | $60,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Science in the Public Interest | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Earth Policy Institute | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Global Green USA | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | InterAction | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | National Fund for the United States Botanic Garden | Miscellaneous | $45,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | National Fund for the United States Botanic Garden | Miscellaneous | $24,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | National Geographic Society | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | National Geographic Society | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $300,000 | 2016 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $275,000 | 2016 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $200,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | Miscellaneous | $150,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Persephone Productions | Miscellaneous | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Wilderness Society | Oil and gas | $75,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Wilderness Society | Oil and gas | $50,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | Public engagement | $88,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | Public engagement | $88,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | Public engagement | $20,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | Public engagement | $88,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | Public engagement | $88,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American University | Public engagement | $88,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Public Integrity | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Public Integrity | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | Public engagement | $140,000 | 2016 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | Public engagement | $140,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | Public engagement | $135,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | Public engagement | $120,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital | Public engagement | $120,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental Integrity Project | Public engagement | $42,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | International Housing Coalition | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | International Housing Coalition | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | League of Conservation Voters | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | National Public Radio | Public engagement | $75,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | National Public Radio | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | National Public Radio | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Voyage Communications | Public engagement | $10,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Persephone Productions | Public engagement | $50,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Science Communication Network | Public engagement | $80,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | World Resources Institute | Public engagement | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $100,000 | 2016 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $100,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $100,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $100,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $95,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $35,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $120,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $85,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Beyond Pesticides | Regulations | $85,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Food Safety | Regulations | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Food Safety | Regulations | $25,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Earthworks | Regulations | $50,000 | 2016 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Physicians for Social Responsibility | Regulations | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Physicians for Social Responsibility | Regulations | $35,000 | 2010 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | ActionAid | Renewables | $75,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Renewables | $40,000 | 2016 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Transportation | $40,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Transportation | $40,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Transportation | $40,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Environmental and Energy Study Institute | Transportation | $20,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Water | $30,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | American Rivers | Water | $30,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Aspen Institute | Water | $25,000 | 2009 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Center for Strategic and International Studies | Water | $50,000 | 2011 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | Earth Day Network | Water | $60,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | InterAction | Water | $25,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | InterAction | Water | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | International Housing Coalition | Water | $25,000 | 2008 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | Water | $300,000 | 2014 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | Water | $300,000 | 2013 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | Water | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. | New Venture Fund | Water | $225,000 | 2011 | DC |
The data for this project was collected from publicly available federal 990 tax returns.
The grants listed in the database are organized in the following categories based on the description provided on the entity's tax return froms:
Oil and Gas
Climate Change
General Operations
Public Engagement
Political Activism
Questions or corrections regarding the data should be directed to [email protected]
Data Sources, Disclosures, and Disclaimers
Institute for Energy Research holds its academic standards to the highest degree. In order to ensure transparency with the information collected for Big Green Inc., we have included the following disclaimer: