Robert J. Michaels

Advisory Council Member
Robert J. Michaels is a consultant on markets for electricity and natural gas, and Lecturer in Economics at California State University, Fullerton, where he served as Professor of Economics for 25 years. He received an A.B. from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D from the University of California, Los Angeles, both in economics. He is an Adjunct Scholar at the Cato Institute, Senior Advisor at the Institute for Energy Research, and Senior Fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

He is author of numerous publications in peer-reviewed journals, law reviews and energy industry media. Until recently, Power Moves, his biweekly column on transmission policies appeared in Energy Metro Desk, a leading risk management periodical. He is author of Transactions and Strategies: Economics for Management, a text for MBA students published by Cengage Learning (2012).

He is an expert on regulation and competition in electricity and gas, including issues in market design and renewable power. He has advised state regulatory commissions, electric utilities, competitive power producers, natural gas producers, industrial energy users, public interest organizations and governments on regulatory and competitive issues.

He has participated in electricity restructurings in California, Japan and New Zealand. He has served as an expert witness in utility merger proceedings before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and has testified on the economics of electricity market monitoring. He has also testified before the California Public Utilities Commission, Illinois Commerce Commission, Mississippi Public Service Commission, Vermont Public Service Board, and Washington State Energy Facilities Siting Council, among others. He has testified on four occasions as an invited expert before committees of the U.S. Congress.