Mary J. Hutzler is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Institute for Energy Research. Prior to joining IER, she spent more than 25 years at the Energy Information Administration (EIA) where she specialized in data collection, analysis, and forecasting. In 2001, Hutzler was named by President Bush to lead the EIA as Acting Administrator. In this role, she testified before Congressional committees, briefed policymakers on energy issues, held press conferences on EIA products, and worked with various organizations on controversial issues dealing with EIA data collections. In recognition of her achievements, Hutzler received a 2004 Presidential Rank Award, an honor by which the president “recognizes and celebrates a small group of career senior executives.” Before and after her stint as the Acting Administrator and Deputy Administrator of EIA, which lasted from June 2001 to March 2003, Hutzler was Director of the EIA’s Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting where she planned, directed, and managed all mid- and long-term analysis and forecasting at EIA as well as the production of EIA’s annual forecasting publications. Hutzler received her B.A. in mathematics from Adelphi University, her M.A. in applied mathematics from the University of Maryland, and completed her course work and exams for a D.Sc. in operations research at George Washington University.
Areas of expertise: Resource data, data collection and analysis, forecasting, and the electricity sector
Areas of expertise: Resource data, data collection and analysis, forecasting, and the electricity sector
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