On Thursday, October 19, IER submitted a coalition letter in support of the EPA proposal to adjust Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) volume obligations for biomass-based diesel fuel (biodiesel), a copy of which can be read here in PDF form. Alongside IER, the letter was signed by representatives of the following eleven organizations: American Commitment, Americans for Limited Government, Americans for Prosperity, Caesar Rodney Institute, Center for Freedom and Prosperity, Competitive Enterprise Institute, E&E Legal Institute, Heritage Action for America, Taxpayers Protection Alliance, Tea Party Nation, and 60 Plus Foundation.
The biodiesel mandate now takes us further from the purpose of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, upon which the RFS was expanded. While crude oil imports have fallen drastically due to an explosion of domestic production in the past decade, imports of biodiesel have climbed from seven million gallons to seven hundred million.